ROSIE is a web front-end to the Rosetta 3.x software suite, a molecular modeling software package that provides experimentally tested and rapidly evolving tools for the 3D structure prediction and high-resolution design of proteins, nucleic acids, and a growing number of non-natural polymers.

ROSIE is an easy-to-use web interface for selected Rosetta protocols.

The ROSIE framework is developed by Sergey Lyskov at GrayLab at JHU and has been described in a paper in PLoS One. Apps are developed in various labs participating in the Rosetta Commons. Please see each app’s documentaion for details and contact information. Primary user support contact is through the Rosetta Forum. If you have a question or wish to report a problem with particular ROSIE app, please use the ROSIE sub forum For questions about a Rosetta protocol in general, please use Rosetta Application Forum.

Some ROSIE Statistics:


Protocol jobs
cov_pep_dock 63
supercharge 1542
rna_denovo 5912
snug_dock 3002
pka 1657
peptiderive 10051
ligand_docking 16369
make_exemplar 352
tox_dock 330
rnp_ddg 569
stepwise 136
rna_redesign 76
docking 403
fixbb 1
docking2 13361
mp_lipid_acc 1870
symmetric_docking 2793
antibody 3669
farfar2 3359


Protocol jobs
supercharge 1932
rna_thread 45
rna_info 245
rna_denovo 435
snug_dock 1776
auto_drrafter 19
ligand_docking 11382
tox_dock 134
docking2 6417
symmetric_docking 14
pka 1135
docking 3424
renumber_pdb 76
vip 1151
sequence_tolerance 2310
beta_peptide_design 50
meta 3
mp_lipid_acc 433
rnp_ddg 564
erraser 798
antibody 3418
ncbb_design 107
farfar2 1636


Protocol jobs
fixbb 1
snug_dock 80
pka 533
peptiderive 368
ligand_docking 1397
make_exemplar 45
tox_dock 24
docking2 4740
antibody 2848
Back-end users
GrayLab.Rosetta 4088
GrayLab.Jazz 3477
TACC.Stampede 1113

App introduced total jobs accumulated usage
in CPU-h
average CPU-h
per job
6-month average
6-month average
docking Jan 2012 29,911 917,243 30.7 0 0.0
rna_denovo Feb 2012 6,603 242,849 36.8 20 552.7
erraser Oct 2012 893 2,083 2.3 12 39.2
beta_peptide_design Nov 2012 54 4 0.1 0 0.0
supercharge Nov 2012 3,760 1,095 0.3 52 16.5
antibody Dec 2012 10,938 6,074,269 555.3 0 0.0
ncbb_design Dec 2012 116 17,354 149.6 0 9.8
sequence_tolerance Jan 2013 2,490 145,931 58.6 12 426.6
vip Mar 2013 1,239 11,642 9.4 2 22.7
symmetric_docking Aug 2013 2,935 235,915 80.4 11 330.6
rna_redesign Oct 2013 76 689 9.1 0 0.0
pka Jan 2014 3,451 26,596 7.7 13 109.3
ligand_docking Jan 2014 30,042 1,075,049 35.8 246 6,567.1
peptiderive May 2015 10,878 1,417 0.1 103 13.8
make_exemplar Sep 2015 405 31 0.1 0 0.0
tox_dock May 2016 509 663,534 1,303.6 2 9,013.2
snug_dock May 2016 5,931 3,872,013 652.8 40 5,854.0
mp_lipid_acc Aug 2016 2,312 24 0.0 2 0.0
stepwise Dec 2017 138 6,923 50.2 0 0.7
farfar2 Sep 2018 5,431 11,289,997 2,078.8 86 265,098.9
rnp_ddg Oct 2018 1,140 24,963 21.9 3 119.2
rna_info Jan 2020 246 0 0.0 7 0.0
renumber_pdb Jan 2020 76 0 0.0 0 0.0
rna_thread Jan 2020 49 0 0.0 1 0.0
auto_drrafter Feb 2020 19 3,933 207.0 0 3.2
cov_pep_dock Feb 2021 69 44,259 641.4 3 1,461.3
Total 119711 24,657,812 228.2 615 289,638.8



Average waiting time in queue:

Jobs by Back-end:

Monthly CPU Usage (in CPU-hours):

CPU Demand (cumulative CPU-h averaged over 6 months):

Total CPU Usage by Back-end (in CPU-hours):

Total CPU Usage (in CPU-hours):