ROSIE is a web front-end to the Rosetta 3.x software suite, a molecular modeling software package that provides experimentally tested and rapidly evolving tools for the 3D structure prediction and high-resolution design of proteins, nucleic acids, and a growing number of non-natural polymers.
ROSIE is an easy-to-use web interface for selected Rosetta protocols.
The ROSIE framework is developed by Sergey Lyskov at GrayLab at JHU and has been described in a paper in PLoS One. Apps are developed in various labs participating in the Rosetta Commons. Please see each app’s documentaion for details and contact information. Primary user support contact is through the Rosetta Forum. If you have a question or wish to report a problem with particular ROSIE app, please use the ROSIE sub forum For questions about a Rosetta protocol in general, please use Rosetta Application Forum.
Some ROSIE Statistics:
Back-end | users |
GrayLab.Rosetta | 4302 |
GrayLab.Jazz | 3625 |
TACC.Stampede | 1113 |
App | introduced | total jobs | accumulated usage in CPU-h |
average CPU-h per job |
<jobs/month> 6-month average |
<CPU-h/month> 6-month average |
docking | Jan 2012 | 29,911 | 917,243 | 30.7 | 0 | 0.0 |
rna_denovo | Feb 2012 | 6,657 | 244,555 | 36.7 | 7 | 249.4 |
erraser | Oct 2012 | 908 | 2,159 | 2.4 | 2 | 6.1 |
beta_peptide_design | Nov 2012 | 58 | 4 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.1 |
supercharge | Nov 2012 | 3,864 | 1,109 | 0.3 | 16 | 2.0 |
antibody | Dec 2012 | 10,938 | 6,074,269 | 555.3 | 0 | 0.0 |
ncbb_design | Dec 2012 | 123 | 19,240 | 156.4 | 1 | 314.4 |
sequence_tolerance | Jan 2013 | 2,687 | 154,417 | 57.5 | 31 | 1,209.2 |
vip | Mar 2013 | 1,300 | 12,043 | 9.3 | 9 | 50.5 |
symmetric_docking | Aug 2013 | 3,016 | 237,433 | 78.7 | 7 | 144.4 |
rna_redesign | Oct 2013 | 76 | 689 | 9.1 | 0 | 0.0 |
pka | Jan 2014 | 3,544 | 27,095 | 7.6 | 12 | 73.5 |
ligand_docking | Jan 2014 | 31,489 | 1,295,543 | 41.1 | 240 | 11,738.5 |
peptiderive | May 2015 | 11,728 | 1,498 | 0.1 | 131 | 13.2 |
make_exemplar | Sep 2015 | 412 | 31 | 0.1 | 1 | 0.0 |
tox_dock | May 2016 | 518 | 669,961 | 1,293.4 | 1 | 1,071.2 |
snug_dock | May 2016 | 6,062 | 3,958,035 | 652.9 | 20 | 13,704.7 |
mp_lipid_acc | Aug 2016 | 2,323 | 24 | 0.0 | 1 | 0.0 |
stepwise | Dec 2017 | 142 | 6,923 | 48.8 | 0 | 0.0 |
farfar2 | Sep 2018 | 6,144 | 12,800,358 | 2,083.4 | 109 | 223,094.2 |
rnp_ddg | Oct 2018 | 1,146 | 25,291 | 22.1 | 1 | 54.7 |
rna_info | Jan 2020 | 280 | 0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0.0 |
renumber_pdb | Jan 2020 | 78 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 |
rna_thread | Jan 2020 | 63 | 0 | 0.0 | 2 | 0.0 |
auto_drrafter | Feb 2020 | 19 | 3,933 | 207.0 | 0 | 0.0 |
cov_pep_dock | Feb 2021 | 96 | 65,951 | 687.0 | 4 | 3,615.4 |
Total | 123582 | 26,517,803 | 230.0 | 599 | 255,341.5 |